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Adopt these 5 new skills for 2020 and differentiate yourself from the crowd

What’s going to happen next year and what’s going to happen to the hospitality industry? It’s challenging to predict and who had gone to life if life was accompanied by a crystal ball so we could be prepared in advance.

However, as managers, we have as a mission always to keep up with market trends and developments, not only in the hotel area, but also from other sectors of the global market as a whole. Ready, you can say that there will be what usually happens every year, that is, the dance of the chairs, which is customary in this segment.


The hotel sector is constantly changing. Slowly but expanding in the domestic market. What we have to know about everything that happens in relation to this segment is that everything will keep changing. Therefore, flexibility and adaptability gain strength, weight and great importance for the hospitality professional. But I’m going further.

For those who hold management positions, it is important to register that you should be even more prepared in terms of skills for next year.

These changes are necessary and justified by the new era when everything around us is largely being automated and this impacts everything, but especially on the economy.

Skills to differentiate in the crowd

From my point of view, I cite some skills that every service professional should possibly use in 2020 , whether in greater or lesser importance.

1. Manager of “complex problems”

I also call this professional administrator “adverse situations in hospitality”. In my view, this competence is the main skill that the executive should have, because it is increasingly being demanded by hotel companies not only in Brazil, but in the world. With the constant change, evolution and growth of the economy, this ability is at the top of its preparation to deal with these situations and quickly create a solution to the business to which it is involved.


2. Think and act rationally and critically

Unfortunately, you don’t learn that in any college chair, whatever the area of knowledge. This thought requires maturity and a lot of emotional balance. I believe that this is also one of the main skills of a complete professional. Knowing how to think and act rationally, he will have the ability to perform clear communication with everyone around him. Working in hospitality occupying a strategic position requires intelligence to ask the right questions and see what others do not see, because it is trouble behind to be solved daily. Be logical, rational, but have a lot of empathy to know the culture of the company and suggest along with its alternative team that will favor the business. The combination of this all generates value professionals.

3. Boldness and creativity

You know that professional puppet that says awe for everything? Beware, because I believe that professionals should be more creative and bolder always respecting their peers, hierarchy, but that they have their own vision and opinion to benefit from positive attitudes of all these transformations that occur in companies. This ability has a lot of room in hospitality. After all, how to create differential in a commodity-border market? That’s where boldness and creativity are welcome as skills for 2020.


4. Understanding people

There’s no way, you need to learn how to work with people, you depend on them. Therefore, people management in the hospitality industry is fundamental to the survival of any business. The manager must have this ability or ability to motivate people, to develop and identify people with different abilities, to know how to charge, yes, but firmly and not grossly as seen there. In my view, this is undoubtedly the heart of any hotel business.


5. Maturity, empathy and emotional intelligence

Let’s be honest here: is The Brazilian very emotional, yes or no? I believe that our culture is very different from Europe and the United States.

Therefore, the executive has to know how to deal very well with this culture not to be swallowed up by the system, especially for a patrimonialist hospitality market that exceeds 90 of the national market.

Otherwise I can’t get my memory, this story doesn’t have in schools, colleges, technical courses, colleges and universities in general.

I believe it is still a long way from being applied in institutions. On the other hand, the management of emotions is fundamental within the brazilian culture. If you have conditions and emotional balance formed, structured, no doubt you will be a professional disputed by hotel companies, as you will be able to convey serenity without losing balance. Hotel companies need professionals with this maturity. Business thanks you.

What skill do you want to develop for 2020?

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