How to develop empathy in business
What does empathy have to do with business, or, in this case, what does empathy have to do with the hospitality industry? As hospitality works… Continue a ler »How to develop empathy in business
What does empathy have to do with business, or, in this case, what does empathy have to do with the hospitality industry? As hospitality works… Continue a ler »How to develop empathy in business
One of the most affected areas during this Coronavirus pandemic is undoubtedly tourism. Taking into account all the impacts caused, the only way to be… Continue a ler »Tourist Day: what about your responsibility?
O que a empatia tem a ver com os negócios, ou, no caso aqui, o que a empatia tem a ver com a indústria da… Continue a ler »Como desenvolver empatia nos negócios
Umas das áreas mais afetadas durante esta pandemia do Coronavírus, sem dúvida alguma, está sendo o turismo. Levando em consideração todos os impactos causados, a… Continue a ler »Dia do Turista: e a sua responsabilidade?
Antes de escrever este artigo, tive contato com os principais CEOs globais da indústria da hospitalidade sobre a situação atual que estamos vivendo. Sem dúvida… Continue a ler »Hotelaria: o que esperar do segundo semestre de 2020?
Before writing this article, I had contact with the leading global CEOs of the hospitality industry about the current situation we are experiencing. Undoubtedly it… Continue a ler »Hospitality: what to expect from the second half of 2020?
Tendo em vista a pandemia do COVID-19, os encerramentos obrigatórios por parte do governo e as medidas de distanciamento social tiveram um forte impacto na… Continue a ler »Distanciamento social: padrão que veio para ficar na hotelaria
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, mandatory government closures and social distancing measures have had a strong impact on the hospitality industry worldwide, forcing many… Continue a ler »Social distancing: pattern that came to stay in the hotel industry
Depois de vários anos atuando na Indústria da Hospitalidade brasileira e pensando sempre estrategicamente no desenvolvimento, aprendizado, crescimento e investimento na minha carreira, tomei a… Continue a ler »O jeito americano de ser e agir
After several years working in the Brazilian Hospitality Industry and always thinking strategically about the development, learning, growth and investment in my career, I made… Continue a ler »The American way of being and acting