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What are the leaders who inspire you?

Do you know why it’s important to follow examples in our lives? They inspire, serve to model some attitudes that we believe and are a reflection of those we admire. I am not a psychologist and I do not have this pretension, but since childhood we have mirrored ourselves in our parents, who are our first examples for life.

And it doesn’t stop there. Teachers have always brought me valuable lessons and I am sorry that this profession is going through so many challenges in front of students that they should pay homage and not confrontation. In addition to teachers, I am inspired by people in general, those who have as instruction life and a heart of good.

Admirable people in our daily lives

They also serve me as a lesson professionals who sell everything on the street fighting for a place in the sun, people who do not have the same opportunity as us here, reading this article on Linkedin on a smartphone or in the comfort of the office desk or at home. They’re all flesh and blood people who are by our side and I really admire them very much.

In addition, the lessons of the executives who preceded us serve as a shortcut to our own trajectory. You’ve read the book. Oh, if I knew, by Richard Adler? He tells precisely this: what he would like to know 25 years ago, bringing reports of experienced entrepreneurs. Unfortunately the experience is a teacher who always arrives late. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Lessons from the leaders who taught me a lot

I, as a professional that many see as having already reached the top, have my leaders. Now you will know what they are and why they inspire me not only in the day to day of the hotel career, but in personal and spiritual life.

Here is my list of leaders in the professional field:

Alceu Vezzozo, President of The Bourbon Hotels and Resorts Chain
The main lesson I learned is: NOW IS THE TIME TO ERR

Paul Sistare, CEO of
Atlantica Hotels International Elias Rodrigues, CEO HCC Hotels
From them, I bring a line that I apply and value: CREATE A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE. SO YOUR GUEST WILL REMEMBER YOU

Jorge Duarte, director of COHOTEL Consultoria Hoteleira
There are several learnings, but one in particular adopted as a professional to go beyond excellence as a manager: TO BECOME A GREAT MANAGER, An EXECUTIVE OF HOSPITALITY, BUILD YOUR REPUTATION OVER TIME AND DEDIQUE VERY WITH PASSION FOR WHAT YOU DO.

Gustavo Jarussi, CEO of Pestana Hotels
Leaders who inspire us also open our eyes and, from time to time, even scares us. But it’s that scare of good, that touch on the shoulder friend giving that shortcut so important, because being a manager is a lonely position, where you are the maker. From him, I heard the following: I CHOOSE YOU IN MANAGEMENT, GET READY, BECAUSE FROM NOW ON YOU WILL CATCH A LOT.


Business leaders who also inspire me

I also get inspired by people of strong personality, a lot of determination, who are firm in their decision-making, love what they do and are excellent in their areas.

I follow some of them:

Alex Atala (@alexatala)
Brazilian chef, owner of The D.O.M. Restaurant, considered the 6th best restaurant in the world and the best in South America,


Richard Branson (@richardbranson)
Megaentrepreneur, founder of the Virgin group, his investments range from music to aviation, clothing, biofuels and even aerospace travel.

Tony Hsieh (@zappos)
American entrepreneur, better known as the CEO of Zappos, ecommerce in the footwear area. Disruptive, he offers $2,000 to a new employee after trained him for a month so he can quit his job. This not only tests the loyalty of the newly hired, but saves money: those who accept the proposal would not fit into the Zappos culture, which is one of the company’s largest assets.

Flávio Augusto da Silva (@geracaodevalor)

I admire the proast of the leaders and this is one of those who fought hard to become the founder of the company Wise Up. From a simple childhood on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, a public school student, Flávio Augusto went on an upward walk with a vision of the future and a lot of work.

Geraldo Rufino (@geraldorufino)
His instagram description already tells me everything he inspires me: former coal bagger, former can picker, Latin America’s largest truck recycler, speaker, writer and best: annoyingly happy.


Be the leader you would admire

And you: list 5 leaders who inspire you to model your examples of life and business and management.

But regardless of the leaders you follow, lead yourself, be an example, have admiration for yourself, your life trajectory, which is unique, your values, your purpose, your integrity, your vision of the future.

Work to become a person you would admire. This is, in my view, the greatest secret to becoming a leader who inspires others.

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