I want to address feelings that I dare say are found in each of us. Pride, ego, prejudices that all of us, at some point in our professional and personal life, present themselves in different ways.
With a clean face and to the point, do I start by asking you a question? Are you reading this article ever witnessed any situation involving pride, ego, prejudice or even if this has already happened to you? Comment, share, leave your valuable comments here.
I always try to adapt my articles directing them to my area, where I have been working for over 25 years with great passion and dedication, which is the hospitality industry, but this theme can transit in all segments, as it is present in organizations so general.
pride as admiration
Interesting that the most positive pride is the pride you admire, isn’t it? Example: Bernal, we are very proud of you for making progress on your projects. In my opinion, I tend to look favorably on this type of pride, as I want to convey to you that many people root for you, admire you for your achievements and especially for your ability to achieve.
Here I can say that it is a kind of positive pride, which values your effort, struggle, dedication and potential. Another example that I register here publicly. As Andreas Bernal’s father, I am immensely proud of the opportunity to have a wonderful son like him.
This compliment, recognition on my part for Andreas is a way of saying that this pride represents for me the admiration I feel for my son.
In summary, many people admire the admired, that is, we need to recognize that we always walk a fine line, our responsibilities and achievements or mistakes and failures fall on us. See how interesting this perception is and it happens every day.
Pride in status and social position
There is a well-known book that even became a movie, called “Pride and Prejudice”. It’s a classic of literature which I recommend reading for book lovers like me. In the book, as in real life, pride, ego and social prejudice are explicit. In short, I would say that people with better financial conditions are proud of this, of their positions and status, and they don’t want to mix with the “rabbles”, as even an old Chaves program puts it (rabble, mob, mob )…
Bringing it to our reality, the fact is that this social position appears that other classes besides these are less important, inferior, worse, as if the financial condition among others gives them the right to despise others. This situation happens every day, as they feel superior and better than others because of their assets, full bank accounts.
The other day, receiving mentoring from one of the most successful Brazilian businessmen in Brazil, at the time he mentioned that he appeared on Forbes without mentioning himself, among the 10 richest Brazilians, billionaires, but I found it very interesting that he did not mention Forbes , like Forbes.
Instead, he said: I was surprised to have appeared in a magazine and such, without citing the magazine itself and added that of the 10 billionaires, 8 were heirs and only 2 had built their wealth from scratch, he was such a case. Now think: it must be much more pleasurable and give you much more pride to build your stuff from scratch than to inherit, right? But, and who inherits things, like: “they didn’t do anything and they are billionaires”, because they inherited it from their family?
life is trial and error
All this is nonsense and we create an air of superiority or inferiority that walks with us every day, perhaps because of the material goods that many have and others not so much. Remembering that being successful in Brazil or abroad is not a crime, because being rich or billionaire has its advantages, let’s not be hypocrites of vows of poverty, each one with their beliefs and choice/lifestyle.
What I want to cite as an example is that everything goes together: pride, ego and even prejudice are part of life. These are feelings that each one of us has in us, some get along well, others suffer from these same feelings, whether of inferiority or another situation.
The most dangerous thing about all of this is pride, ego and even prejudice in an extremely negative way, that individual who can’t apologize, sorry. Time passes for everyone, no matter if you do something or not, it doesn’t come back.
So it’s not worth carrying that weight on your back for some kind of pride, ego, etc. In real life, this happens, it’s part of it, but what we all need is awareness that we are weak, strong, we made mistakes, we failed, we got it right, that is, life is a trial of error and success.
I believe that we need to work empathy in everything we do and this is not an easy job as many people say. And the pandemic is there for us to learn a little bit about everything, but the most important thing is compassion, humility.
When the name opens doors
The pandemic has taught me many things in all aspects. When I arrived in the United States, right ahead, we already received the “freebie” pandemic to take us out of the comfort zone, rethink, reinvent everything from scratch, in another country, another culture and waiting for formal authorization to move into the market I love the most which is the hotel business.
Until that happened, I worked on several projects in the online format, continuing to study and seek knowledge in different ways. The only thing I have is a name and that name has open doors anywhere for work, and responsibility that I managed to develop in my career. This credibility made me progress slowly, but in addition, I had the opportunity to relearn everything and in all aspects. Today I’m still working on several projects, including one of them you can already know a little about the Bymschool platform, besides being able to transit in the American hospitality industry. This is fantastic.
Finally, even if you have ego, pride, remember that you are important and that your knowledge nobody takes away from you. Take a step back if necessary, this is not a demerit at all. The market will recognize you as soon as this pandemic passes.
Co-Founder and CEO da Plataforma Bymschool. Consultor na área da hotelaria e hospitalidade, palestrante e escritor. Atua na Indústria de hospitalidade há mais de 25 anos em companhias como Complexo Jurema Águas Quentes Resorts, Bourbon Hotéis & Resorts, Mabu Hotéis & Resorts, Bristol Hotéis & Resorts e Atlantica Hotels International. É embaixador pela Divine Academie Française des Arts Lettres et Culture (Paris). Membro Executivo de Honra da Academia Europeia da Alta Gestão desde abril/2019. Atualmente mora nos EUA estando a frente de vários projetos.