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My experience as a speaker at Equipotel 2019

Equipotel is one of the most anticipated events of the year by hoteliers. With 57 tradition editions, the event is the ideal environment for those looking for the best solutions in the market to improve the management of their business and provide the best experience for their client.

This year, Equipotel took place from September 10 to 13 and Was among the speakers at the meeting. Being among the lecturers represents a great opportunity to demonstrate some of the work I do over these 25 years dedicated to hospitality.

In my presentation, held on September 12, being able to talk about the case Jurema Águas Quente is undoubtedly a milestone in my career. After all, restructuring a solid company, making the brand transition, implementing a destination, hotel complex and time share was one of the biggest challenges I faced in the hotel business environment.

Talk of Case Jurema Águas Quentes goes far beyond results, profit, profitability, occupancy increase, delivery of the Jurema Gardens, our latest attraction.

All my 25 years of experience is “nothing” in the face of the challenge of taking off the President’s badge and going along with his team for “war”, playing all the roles and always respecting people, the culture of the company.

My challenge during the presentation at Equipotel was to demonstrate how a service should be in a hotel environment, because here I have the daily opportunity to teach, educate to think as a hotelier and make more than 500 employees understand and help keep solid is important company.

Today, we gained national visibility, presenting Juremas Águas Quentes to the hotel market. Professionally, my gratitude will be eternal for this great learning as CEO of this transformation.

Presenting this case during Equipotel made me think that nothing resists good teamwork. Everything is possible in the face of the most adverse difficulties of everyday life.

There is the lesson in particular for me that if you have good people by your side and who are committed to you for a goal, design, something bigger , you will hardly be able to deliver your responsibilities successfully.

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