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Hospitality: Many are called, but few are chosen.

In 20 years dedicated to the hospitality industry I have observed the enormous effort that business organizations make to transmit to service professionals and their managers, actions and strategies to optimize time, that is, to better monetize their business as a whole. Getting the commitment of everyone involved in a service business is not always an easy task. The effort, dedication and commitment of the organization may not have the necessary effect on the work chain. It is in this aspect that training, lectures and meetings appear as opportunities to fine tune the discourse, value the target audience, listen and enable the constant exchange of experiences.

It is necessary to remember that the manager is not responsible for it.

How old do you do in hospitality? Never mind, holding a managerial position is a huge responsibility. And, for the professional to be in this position, I believe he has demonstrated his skills, among thousands of other skills already presented, tested and validated by the company. Isn’t that right? No one gets to a managerial position for free and often the price is high.

But the hotelier, under no circumstances can he settle down and stop just because he managed to get to a managerial position, quite the contrary, now is that you will have to seek more and more knowledge and reach the maximum of its capacity. It is mandatory, as long as you want to differentiate yourself and continue growing in your career. Seek more and more to develop your responsibilities while you are occupying management positions.

Attention managers, managers, supervisors, bosses, leaders

Managing isn’t just about supervising employees or staying in your office filling out spreadsheets and reporting. Manage goes far beyond that. I state that mainly you will be responsible for the development of your employees. You will have to work on people’s ability, improving and greatly improving their skills and for this to happen in practice, you will still have to strongly motivate them to develop their activities in a very responsible way in search of the long-awaited indicator of results, services, care. Deliver your goal and keep your venture flawless.

Being a manager of an organization still depends on a few more situations that will involve your skills and skills, whether professional or personal. I will quote some simpler to be remembered, such as: Total availability, be communicative, be flexible, know how to provide feedback, motivation, planning, have relationships, understand that your time was purchased by the company, you made this choice, so time management is key, among thousands of other situations.

And what’s more, you’ll always be responsible, delegating or not. You’ll have to manage crises, make performance assessments of your employees, make lots of decisions at all times and quickly. Be able to go through major changes in your life, lead your team and deliver the results to your organization.

It’s just the beginning.

Still want to be a manager…? Make your choice and be happy!!!!



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