In such a competitive world, it is not always easy to generate differentiation for the business, whether hotelier or in the branch in which you operate.
In general, we look at the competitors and retract, imagining that the neighbor’s grass is greener. However, I think otherwise: if we are in the market it is because we are differentiated by wanting to do something different, differentiated, unique.
What is differentiation
But what would be differentiation? In the classical conceptualization of marketing, differentiation is the way the company wants to be perceived by the client due to its competitive advantages.
These advantages would be focused on the following characteristics, such as market segmentation, with service to a specific niche and not fully satisfied with the competition, positioning in relation to your marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution).
Going beyond the definition of the term itself, to generate differentiation, the manager must have, first of all, carte blanche to mess with the business if it is not his own.
After all, the repositioning of the company requires a lot of confidence in management that should adopt a model in its performance focused on transparency.
7 tips for you to generate differentiation
According to my experience, cast 7 essential strategies for you to generate differentiation in your business. There is no more important than the other, but the set of all of them.
Customer focus
If you create a business that does not have a value proposition, I say that you will not attract new customers and will not keep the current ones. It will not sell or improve its profitability. What’s more, you’ll have financial problems. Do something your competitor doesn’t do or do what he has, but much better.
Leadership by example
Every day I walk through the hotel complex, talk to all the possible staff. I often have my coffee, lunch and make my dinner at the staff cafeteria.
There I have the opportunity to talk to those who live the hotel operation along with the guests, the staff of the base.
They are the ones who can help management see what is not seen behind the desk in your office just by looking at indicators.
This is my way of acting: I seek to lead by example. I don’t have and Never wanted to have secretaries or assistants. I think if I want to drink water, for example, I’m going to go to the tea house where everyone is.
By the way, here is a reflection: how do you tell your team that has to be with the client if you just stay in the office?
To each his own
Here’s a guideline or, as you wish, advice to the business owner. Do I want to be a company manager or do I want to be an investor, shareholder, owner of the company?
I explain: often being a manager you end up destroying the investor side, growth, profitability, efficiency. Choose a role and let the executive take care of the business, cover it results, strategies, projects, etc.
Just don’t miss those who don’t you’re reright
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake and you’re going to go, go ahead, seek your resilience, and have a lot of discipline.
Always deliver your best, such as satisfaction, enchantment and give more than the customer bought through excellence in the provision of services.
In addition, it generates confidence in the investor, shareholder, is transparent, unsurprisingly. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad news, the shareholder should be the first to know.
Constant reinvention
This message is for you, manager: it is essential to instill in your team the desire to focus on the transformations of your company.
Alert your employees about the need to move so they don’t get swallowed up by other better and more committed people.
Reinvention is constant and essential as you broaden your team’s vision of all employees.
Don’t be afraid to mess with the team
The work of management is to guide everyone for the benefit of the business, obtaining the information necessary to understand the real needs of employees for the benefit of the company and everyone.
Here I recall a passage from my career at the beginning of my management, to feel the need to review teams of all levels.
It is a time-consuming, controversial process and many difficulties when a company needs to take this action for the benefit of its survival.
I ask you: will the professional you are bringing inside your company will lead us forward? Will you help in all our goals by considering all our strategies? What I see most about organizations is the difficulty of getting people out of positions.
An outside look always helps
Right or wrong, here I leave my recommendation as manager and hotelier: seek new sources of consulting for your business in the various stages that the company is located. You need to broaden your peripheral view of the business. So put your ego aside and work with people better than you!
When you take over management, many things need to be done. You need to make decisions in the business quickly. This happens all the time, in my case that is hospitality and hotel does not close, are decisions that require at all times. Leaders must have towards the company and the market that act an entrepreneurial vision, strategies and zeal for their team.
Whatever your business, have a lot of conviction of your role in the company and that the real bosses are your customers, your market.
Therefore, generating differentiation is to be in high regard for those who seek their solution, whatever it may be. To be differentiated is to start the day with the attitude of doing its best and this involves its purpose, its ability to infect your team positively and your discipline and focus. That’s the simple one.

Co-Founder and CEO da Plataforma Bymschool. Consultor na área da hotelaria e hospitalidade, palestrante e escritor. Atua na Indústria de hospitalidade há mais de 25 anos em companhias como Complexo Jurema Águas Quentes Resorts, Bourbon Hotéis & Resorts, Mabu Hotéis & Resorts, Bristol Hotéis & Resorts e Atlantica Hotels International. É embaixador pela Divine Academie Française des Arts Lettres et Culture (Paris). Membro Executivo de Honra da Academia Europeia da Alta Gestão desde abril/2019. Atualmente mora nos EUA estando a frente de vários projetos.