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Ego in hospitality, management, leadership, organizations, has it?

Ego in hospitality, management, leadership, organizations, has it?

We all hope that the hotelier, manager, leader will be a possible savior of daily situations in companies, someone capable of motivating their teams, withstanding pressures, putting their knowledge and experience at their disposal so that the group achieves better results performance. But we also want to be commanded and directed by people, professionals who do not feel intimidated in decisive moments that the routine requires, for example, when it is necessary to rebuke a team professional, correct the direction of the group, dismiss those who are not adding value to the hotel company.

Being extremely objective, we want hoteliers, managers, leaders to be “wise” and strong at the same time. But how to find this balance and still meet the expectations of the organization, peers and employees and especially deal with the ego of each?

Affection in leadership

A friendly hotelier, who listens to employees/employees, professionals considering their opinions and feelings tends to establish a relationship of trust with their teams. In practice, those who feel good intentions in the attitudes of the hotelier tend to share more information and cooperate with what is necessary, whether in the challenges of the operation, moments of overwork or activities that are not part of the routine. Isn’t that right?

When a hotelier does not project affection in management, we tend to nurture for him a certain contempt or envy, often judging that he does not deserve the position he holds. (this happens in practice – believe me). There is a strong tendency to feel unmotivated to contribute. In this case, the financial benefits of the company need to be significant to compensate for dissatisfaction with the manager. Still, the tendency is that the employee/employee, professional, does not delay leaving the team or the company. This happens every day in organizations.

Strength in leadership

We admire people, strong hoteliers and honestly, I’m sure many really want to be like that. We want to demonstrate our own skills and that other professionals understand them. Especially in the hotel environment, obviously. For example, the tendency is to want to suggest best practices, face challenges, innovate. And we also wish this from our manager, leader, hotelier: May he be strong, admirable and well positioned. It sounds simple and easy, but make sure it’s not.

To project strength is to maintain a firm position in situations with attitude and initiative, to sustain opinions and to be willing to solve problems. You can see the leader’s strength projection in simple situations. For example, it is common for one department to impose responsibilities inappropriately on the other, such as redoing a job. At this time, the team that feels impaired expects their leader not to accept the demand or negotiate the best way to make the delivery. The hotelier who loses the opportunity to defend the interests of the team shows fragility, by accepting impositions passively. Think about it.

Imbalance in management

Excessive affection in the hotelier, manager, leader tends to awaken in employees / employees, professional feelings of solidarity and pity. Some even speak ill of the manager (through the corridors, cafeteria and so on – it happens for real), pointing out their flaws, but still being kind to him, but, in a way, tend to end up neglecting in practice their cooperation with what really matters.

On the other hand, leadership with great force and no affection comes to arouse anger in employees, who start to question the attitudes of the manager and, in some cases, results in a boycott of the work. In these cases, many team members ask themselves: “how can someone who is not legal be competent?”. It is a difficult task to trust and cooperate with someone stupid, bossy, without empathy, who boasts power and superiority.

You need to find balance

Finding the balance between projecting affectivity and strength can be quite difficult, as the dynamism of the work environment requires waist play to realize what is the right time to leave each one in evidence. I record some possibilities, according to my experience:

Establish sincere conversations with your people – To project affection it is necessary that the information is transmitted to your team in a clear and objective way, without emotional emphasis, but with a positive direction and so that they are aware of the reality of the situation of your business. For example, when talking about failures in the operation, make it clear that the conversation is existing precisely because you believe that everyone has the potential and ability to err less and do what is right. Frankness and education help people understand the real intention of the manager.

You must listen to your team – Be open to hearing about the difficulties of your employees and the practices they have in mind. This attitude shows that you have an interest in people. Managers who do not adopt this attitude lose valuable opportunities to strengthen the relationship with the team and improve the work routine in the organization.

Recognize your limitations – you’re not a superhero. One of the functions of a hotelier is to make feasible and not do everything in operation, management. That way, for example, if you understand that you’re not as good at planning and that some member of your team performs better than you, give this security to this professional. It is well seen when the leader honestly demonstrates his weaknesses and strengths. Of course, the weak must be less expressive. But this recognition of reality impacts well and your team can see with good eyes.

And finally, when a hotelier knows he’s strong, he tends to be more open, less threatening and feel less threatened. When you are confident, you tend to project authenticity and affection on team members. Find the balance in your management, your company, company, hotel chain and have more success with your teams!

In addition to all that you have just read, rest assured that in hospitality there is a lot of EGO involved in all hierarchies and you hotelier will have to know how to deal with it while you are in this brilliant segment of services – Hospitality.


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