Recently I had the opportunity to witness an important Live with great entrepreneurs from various segments, strategic thinkers bringing important insights to the moment we are living, that of the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).
I mentioned in another article about Coronavirus and the consequences for hospitality,but now is the time to bring information to everyone constructively and positively in the face of the chaos we are going through.
I want to convey some of these insights and take advantage to provoke a healthy discussion that can be beneficial and possibly useful to all hoteliers, whether entrepreneurs focused on economic hospitality, midscale, luxury, resorts, chains and independent hotels.
Strategies to reduce social and economic impacts
The main concern of these great executives turn to employees, people. Have smart strategies, lots of creativity and joint effort. I can cite small suggestions such as:
- Evaluate people to take vacations;
- Reduce the impact of your workforce, payroll by 25 to 30;
- Reduce staff hours.
The importance of having a long-term strategy is fundamental. But always start over, knowing when to stop. If you need to take a step back, do it and be aware of it. This crisis will pass. Have full resilience and hold this pressure that happens on the business. Let’s get through this together!
It’s time to share best practices
Hotelier, share with your colleagues your best practices. I suggest you all be together in this mobilization, bringing each other good energies.
Know how to handle the reviews (actually no one has this domain), but try not to care 100 with the criticism received in your day to day. Choose the best review in your opinion and try to put into practice in your management.
What matters is who’s telling you and not what they’re saying. Now is the time for you, hotelier, to be your product, that is, this is the time for you to reinvent yourself, to know how to sell.
Hard times pass, strong people get
The world is stopping for a great reflection: how we will become a better human being. Have agility, take initiatives and quick attitudes now.
Hard times pass, strong people stay. Now is the time for hoteliers to come together in practice and help each other. It’s time to put your ego aside and think that, across the street, you’ll also find a hotelier with the same difficulties as you in the same boat. Why not reach out? Maybe that’s the biggest lesson coronavirus is forcing us to understand.
We all have social responsibility here. Support your teams, help your teams, collaborate with your employees, help your employees’ families.
It is during the “fat cows” or healthy crops that you have to prepare for war or for moments like what we are experiencing.